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NetBeans6.5 发布第一个 patch

IT168 技术资讯】这次NetBeans6.5 发布不到两个星期就发布了第一个patch。感觉是喜忧参半。

 喜的是NetBeans的更新速度很快,忧的是稳定性让人担忧,不过大问题没有,下问题不断。这个更新修复了62 bug

  这次修复了许多 数据库模块。关于JBoos 5.0 不能用issue 要到patch2 才能修复。

  具体修复了哪些问题大家可以看看 NetBeans6.5 Patches Info

  NetBeans Core QA 写道

 Our sustaining team released first patch for the new NetBeans 6.5. The
patch fixes 62 bugs most annoying problems of NetBeans 6.5.

Don't be surprised that you need to update your IDE in two cycles.
Firstly you'll see only one available update that will update only the
updater.jar that contains fixes in the Plugin manager functionality.
Then after restart the other updates will appear.

  * NetBeans6.5 Patches Info

  * NetBeans 6.5

 * Do you have tips what should be fixed into next patch? Let us know!
-> vote for issues, add comment. Of course, we want to hear a


  NetBeansWiki 写道

  The following are some known issues which the latest patch release does not resolve.

  * Issue 154904: Unable to install NB 6.5 Patch1 as non-privileged user.

 o Description: When a non-privileged user running under Microsoft
Windows XP platform has special permissions "Create Files/Write Data"
and "Create Folders/Append Data" without "Write" permissions for
NetBeans 6.5 IDE install directory and all subdirectories, updated
modules are not installed.

  o Workaround:

  + Ask an Administrator to install updated modules for all non-privileged users.

  o Alternate Workaround:

  + Ask an Administrator to remove special permissions "Create Files/Write Data" and "Create Folders/Append Data".

  * Issue 6743: dataprovider.jar is not hidden from applications.

 o Description: The application server GlassFish v3 bundles
dataprovider.jar that is used for the Admin console. Visual Web
database applications will try to use the dataprovider.jar but also
require rowset.jar. As a result, the exception "SEVERE: CoyoteRequest
PWC4003: Exception thrown by attributes event listener
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/sun/sql/rowset/CachedRowSetX" will
occur at runtime.

  o Workaround:

  + Use GlassFish v2 with Visual Web applications.

  o Alternate Workaround:

  + Edit sun-web.xml and change the setting to .


